Lubis Santosa & Partners Law Firm

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Tondi Nikita Lubis

Tondi Nikita Lubis is a Partner of the Dispute Resolution Practice Group and Chief Operational Officer (COO) of Lubis, Santosa & Partners Law Firm who specializes in civil and commercial litigations. He graduated from the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia (UI) in 2014. During his time in law school, he studied private law and he also participated in numerous national seminars, training courses, and conferences.

Before joining Lubis, Santosa & Partners Law Firm, Tondi has had numerous internship experiences in various , namely (i) 6 months at Kontras (Komisi untuk Orang Hilang dan Korban Tindak Kekerasan/Commission for "the Disappeared" and Victims of Violence) and (ii) 3 months at Chevron Pacific Indonesia. During his time at KontraS, he was involved in high-profile cases such as assisting in the legal defense of Marry Jane & Rodrigo Gularte, who is under threat of capital punishment and represented Jakarta International School in a Child-Abuse Case. Furthermore, Tondi was also involved in defending the former head of the Komisi Pemberantas Korupsi Official (Anti-Corruption Commission), Bambang Widjojanto & Novel Baswedan in criminal cases allegedly known as "Case Manipulation". Tondi also participated in the campaign of "kami menolak lupa" (we refuse to forget) for the deceased human rights activist Munir. At Chevron Pacific Indonesia, he learned about production-sharing contracts (SPC), cost recovery, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), and oil downstream activities.

Early in his carreer at Lubis, Santosa & Maramis Law Firm, he advised and represented clients in various commercial legal disputes, such as PT. Kayung Agro Lestari, PT Berau Coal Energy, PT Premier Resources Indonesia and Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia. He also part of the team that represented JOB Medco-Pertamina in arbitration proceedings at Indonesian National Arbitration Board (BANI).

Tondi is passionate about soccer and movies. He is actively involved in the "Piala Maya" team, which is an annual award for Indonesia's best movies. Tondi speaks Bahasa Indonesia and English.

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