Lubis Santosa & Partners Law Firm

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Gilang M. Santosa

Gilang M. Santosa is a Partner of LSM Law Firm. He graduated and obtained his Bachelor's degree in law in July 2012 from the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia, majoring in Commercial Law. During his time in law school, he actively participated in numerous organizations, seminars, trainings courses and events.

He was an active member of Asian Law Student Association (ALSA), participating in ALSA's international events such as ALSA Conference 2010 in Semarang and Jogjakarta, ALSA Forum 2010 in Seoul, and ALSA Conference 2011 in Singapore.

He was also involved in the establishment of ALSA Alumni Association (ALSA Alumnas)

Before joining Lubis, Santosa & Partnerss full time, he worked briefly as an assistant legal researcher in Indonesian Research Center for Anti-Money Laundering (IRCA) and prior to that he also served as an intern at Lubis, Santosa & Maramis Law Firm for three months assisting its Corporate and Commercial Practice Group.

He also served as a Trainee at another premier law firm in Indonesia, working mostly in capital market and M&A matters, during which time he gained experience in assisting the IPO process for one of the largest taxi companies in Indonesia.

His most recent experience includes advising and representing:

  • PT Airbus Helicopters Indonesia with respect to its company regulation and employment issue.
  • Thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions with respect to agreements related to construction of various infrastructures.
  • PT Medco Geopower Sarulla with respect to its change of shareholding structure and pledge of shares.
  • PT Airbus Group Indonesia and subsidiaries with respect to their investment-related matters in Indonesia (among others, merger, acquisition, shareholding structure, business restrictions and liaison with Indonesia Investment Coordination Board).
  • PT GMF AeroAsia with respect to its cooperation restructuring with its partners.
  • A real estate and hospitality company against unlawful confiscation in relation to BLBI (Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Fund).
  • A prominent logistics group of companies in Indonesia (representing the group on shareholders' dispute in one of its subsidiaries).

In Lubis, Santosa & Partners, he is a member of Corporate and Commercial Practice Group, assigned in assisting wide range of national and multinational clients. In Summer 2015, he took a leave to attend Duke University School of Law's Asia-America Institute in Transnational Law in Hong Kong University Faculty of Law.

In his spare time, he likes to travel and read books about Indonesian history. He speaks Bahasa Indonesia, and English.

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