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Lubis Santosa & Maramis is also active in the litigation relating to competition law. We develop strategies appropriate to client’s interest in the event of dispute with the intention to minimize client’s risks in all level of investigations at Commission for the Supervisory of Business Competition (KPPU) on the allegation of violation of competition law. We also play a significant role in all level of appeals on the judgment of KPPU to the relevant court of law.

Our dispute resolution practice has served and represented clients, among others, in the following competition law cases:

  • PT Holdiko Perkasa, in the investigation at the Business Competition Supervisory Body (KPPU) and proceeding before the Central Jakarta District Court against the Decision of the Business Competition Supervisory Body (KPPU) concerning the tender of sale of PT Indomobil International;
  • Goldman Sachs Singapore Pte Ltd as the petitioner in the proceeding before the Central Jakarta District Court against the Decision of the Business Competition Supervisory Body (KPPU) concerning the tender of sale of 2 (two) Very Large Crude Carrier of PT Pertamina (a state owned petroleum company); and
  • Astro in the investigation at the Business Competition Supervisory Body (KPPU) with regard to its exclusive arrangements in the distribution of certain television channels;
  • BP Indonesia Ltd., in the investigation and hearing at the Business Competition Commission with regard to allegations of conspiracy on its procurement;
  • Temasek Holdings, in the investigation at the Business Competition Supervisory Body (KPPU) with regard to alleged violations of certain provisions of Law No. 5 Year 1999;